We believe in you, because we are like you.

The thesis behind our work:

As we look around at the startup community, we see disparity. Because while the passion, grit, and focus it takes to turn a business into something great is evenly distributed, capital and connections are not. And we want to change that.

The population of founders should mirror the community around them. But we don’t see that. Instead we see deep bias towards certain people, certain industries, and certain backgrounds — none of which are predictive of success. And we see this opportunity gap widening over time, creating a chasm that prevents many from starting companies and getting them to the next level.

That’s why we’re creating LongJump. To help founders of all backgrounds, all races, all genders, and all socio-economic conditions to get their start. This isnt a charity; this is an opportunity.

We’re a group of founders & operators who have been in your shoes before. Fighting to stay alive, to build a team, to find customers, and raise money all at the same time. You’re ready for the next level, and we’re ready to help you get there.

We invest in passionate and resourceful founders working on big ideas. We want to help you get from zero to one — and we bring capital, connections, and community to help. And unlike many others, we invest at the very beginning, and you don’t need an introduction to talk to us.